Delta 8 THC Feelings and Effects

Delta 8 THC Feelings and Effects

Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol or delta-8-THC is one of the naturally occurring compounds in the marijuana plant. The delta-8 extract is commonly referred to as the closest relative to the chief high-causing delta-9-THC (popularly known as just THC).

Delta-8 is the product of delta-9-THC’s oxidization. After the oxidization process, some of the delta-9-THC is converted into delta-8-THC.

Delta-8-THC usually occurs in minute concentration, less than 0.1 percent in hemp flowers. But the compound can be converted from other cannabinoids.

The extract is made into a concentrate, which is later infused into different consumption/application forms.

Although delta-8-THC has gained increasing recognition, many prospective users are still skeptical about the compound’s effects.

  • Does delta-8-THC cause a high?
  • What is the appropriate dosage?
  • Are there any side effects?
  • Is Delta-8-THC safe?
  • Is delta-8-THC legal to use?

These are common queries we receive from our readers. This article discusses these and more questions surrounding delta-8-THC.

Will Delta-8-THC Cause a High?

Some users say delta-8 left them stoned. Others felt a little tipsy. For some, they felt not even the slightest hints of intoxication.

Well, studies show delta-8-THC is psychoactive but will not get you intoxicated as THC does.

As with CBD, delta-8 interacts with the same CB-1 receptor. However, the slightly different molecular structure causes the different reactions users feel.

Delta-8 users usually report clear-headed, non-sedative, and anti-anxiety effects – delta-9 THC delivers the opposite.

How Can I Use Delta-8-THC?

Delta-8 THC usually comes in distillates since it is available in wee bit amounts. The compound can be distilled into a thick liquid that resembles CBD’s distillate.

Distillation involves multiple steps where the plant undergoes the refinement processes and levels. The compound is first extracted from the plant, winterized, then decarboxylated.

For use, delta-8 comes in syringes and cartridges. You may also vaporize with a dab rig or weed pen. Being technically edible, delta-8-THC can be dosed orally.

You can also find a handful of delta-8THC-based oral tinctures on the market. These products are most suitable for sublingual use.

But before you choose any dosage form, more research is required to report the actual effect of delta-8-THC when broken down in the body.

While we await more data, some early evidence says delta-8-THC may offer some benefits.

Benefits of Delta-8 THC

Although research into delta-8-THC is in its infancy, early reports look promising.

Emerging indicators perceive that this newly discovered cannabinoid may soon become the next highly-sought-after compound in modern medicine, like CBD and THC.

As we seek more verifiable evidence to make conclusive statements, existing research, and supportive anecdotal reports show delta-8-THC houses several potentially therapeutic properties, including:

To reiterate – research authors advise more research to critique existing knowledge and establish a possible long-term effect.

Any Side Effects?

Researchers say delta-8 THC may leave but insignificant side effects – compared to many chemical-packed pharmaceuticals. Although more research is needed, delta-8-THC’s properties look promising. Interestingly, its adverse effects are far less than THC’s 0r Delta-9-THC.

Well, delta-8 remains a form of THC. Researchers have warned that products with high THC levels should be used cautiously. Although delta-8 is known to be less psychoactive, users have said it can be overdosed. Hence, the rule of thumb says to start with a low dose and work your dose-up until you find a suitable dosage.

Remember, delta-8 causes less high, not no-high. Delta 8 can leave users with red eyes, particularly with heavy doses.

Indeed, it remains interestingly intriguing how two near-identical cannabinoids (chemical cofounds found in cannabis) produce entirely different effects.

Can I pass a drug test as a delta-8 THC user?

Delta-8-THC and Delta-9-THC users should prepare for a drug test in the same manner; since both delta 8 and delta 9 produces similar metabolites, which the tests detect.

With their similarities, delta-8-THC doses may trigger a positive result for a delta-9THC test.

To scale through, abstain from delta-8 doses – long enough for your body to flush out the residues. This usually takes 3 to 4 weeks.

Experts, however, advise that actual time varies across persons, depending on individual metabolism and dosage.

Perhaps you don’t have three weeks’ prep time; some other methods commonly used for delta-9 tests ‘are alleged’ to work. Note that these methods may or may not work.

Standard test methods include urine, saliva, or hair test.

Research findings show delta-8-THC is detectable in drug tests. In fact, a drug test may detect lower levels of delta 8 metabolites than delta-9’s

How about Delta-8-THC’s legality?

Honestly, the law’s position on delta-8-THC looks hazy. The new statements issued by the Drug Enforcement Administration on Delta-8-THC reiterates that any synthetically-produced cannabinoid is illegal.

Remember, delta-8’s natural quantity is pretty low. The commercially available Delta-8 is usually obtained by converting Cannabidiol, or CBD, into delta-8.  This process involves the use of a chemical catalyst. Although CBD is a natural product, the inclusion of a catalyst makes the DEA interpret the drug as synthetically sourced. For this, delta-8 may still remain under Schedule I substances

The Agriculture Improvement Act, popularly 2018 Farm Bill, refers to hemp as Cannabis sativa L. and its products, seeds, extracts, derivatives, cannabinoids, acids, isomer, etc., with delta-9-THC concentration not exceeding 0.3 percent, dry-weighted.

However, DEA’s new rule may pose a challenge. Since delta-8-THC’s primary production process is considered illegal, delta-8’s manufacturing can be a hurdle and availability scarce soon.

That said, remember that cannabis laws vary across states – so does delta-8-THC’s legality.

Also, with their close chemical semblance, some drug tests may not distinguish between delta-8 and delta-9. Hence if you’re using delta-8-THC, note that you may test positive for marijuana use, even if you never used delta-9 products.

Wrap Up

Delta-8-THC has attracted good attention lately – particularly among researchers. Although delta-9-THC offers similar benefits as delta-8, rising interest in the latter is caused by the relatively low psychoactive effect. That means the compound allows you enjoy THC’s promising without getting stoned or anxious – two common experiences among delta-9 users.

While more delta-8 research is required, reports so far from ongoing studies are a lot promising.

Yet, for safety and effectiveness, ensure you insist on only premium delta-8-infused products. And, do well to discuss with a cannabis inclined doctor before you begin with delta-8 doses.