Delta 8 CBD Gummies Review- Does it Show up in Drug Test?

Delta 8 CBD Gummies Review- Does it Show up in Drug Test?

For many individuals, the decision to or not to use cannabis is highly
dependent on if the substance would show on a drug test. Particularly
persons who work in environments where probity is a major concern
and must be adhered to.
In conversation with friends and in a few online discuss forums, Delta-8 THC has continued to feature prominently and the reason for this is the argument of whether it would or would not show up in a drug screen.
Will a drug test detect Delta-8 THC the same way it detects Delta-9?
While it seems highly probable, we thought it wise to investigate.
Let’s go!
What’s Delta-8 THC?
Like other cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant, Delta 8 THC, also referred to as D8, Delta 8, Δ8 THC, and Delta 8 Tetrahydrocannabinol, is a natural occurring derivative of cannabis. Although present in cannabis, it is found in trace amount and as such it has to be synthesized from other cannabinoids.
Despite its name, it does not have the same kind of intoxicating effects as Delta 9 THC. The effects of Delta-8 THC can be described as uplifting and mildly intoxicating but no where near the extreme psychotropic reactions of Delta-9 THC. Delta-8 can alter and elevate your mood, engineering a state of euphoria that is pleasant and therapeutic.
How does it interact with the body?
Like all cannabinoids, Delta-8 THC interacts with the endocannabinoid
system. But of special mention is a research study that places its main site of interaction in the immune system. Yes, you heard right. In a study conducted in 1973 by a group of researchers, it was determined that Delta-8 THC had a profound effect on the immune system and was in some ways able to activate immune response in the body’s fight against cancer.
In another study, researchers ere able to establish that the molecule
has “antiemetic, anxiolytic, appetite-stimulating, analgesic, and neuroprotective properties.” Much like Delta-9, it binds to the CB1
receptor, but unlike Delta-9, it is not associated with strong psychoactive properties. Researchers extol the molecule’s strong anti- inflammatory properties and its quick reaction in reversing tumor
growth in subjects.
What’s so special about Delta-8 THC?
To understand what the buzz is about Delta-8 THC, you might need to
refresh your memory of what you know of Delta-9 THC. You see, common knowledge of Delta-9 THC speaks only of its psychoactive side effects but what most people don’t know and for some don’t say is that the substance is highly potent. Delta-9 THC is a highly potent molecule and researches into its efficacy have shown commendable results.
Now, to Delta-8. Delta-8 is very similar to Delta-9 in many respect
except it psychoactive reactions. The substance is a major benefit for
patients or adult-users who want a lessened form of marijuana that
won’t make them antsy.
Delta-8 offers a way to treat many of the same ailments (and possibly others), as Delta-9, but can do so without causing as much of a head buzz. This is beneficial for patients not looking to feel as much of the high, while still getting the medicinal benefits of THC.
What are the benefits of Delta-8 THC?

While research is still ongoing to determine the spectrum of effective
use cases of Delta-8 THC, several studies have tender convincing
evidence of the effectiveness of Delta-8 THC in managing certain
conditions. Delta-8 THC antiemetic, anxiolytic, appetite-stimulating,
analgesic, and neuroprotective properties comes into play in
determining what it works for and how well it does it.

As per User’s review some of the most notable benefits linked to Delta 8-THC includes:

  • Stimulate appetite
  • Help with pain and inflammation
  • Eliminate nausea in cancer patients
  • Enjoy a clearer-headed high compared to ordinary THC
  • Enjoy CBD-like benefits in terms of anxiety, pain, and
  • Could work topically (applied to the skin) or orally

How would Delta-8 THC show in a Drug Test?
Standardized test for drug use is a urine test. The test for psychotropic elements such as THC involves testing for the metabolite THC-COOH.
THC-COOH is created by the human body when it is exposed to THC.
Sometimes referred to as Carboxy THC, THC-COOH is lipid-soluble – it’s stored the fat cells – and can be detectable in our systems for a much longer time.
Because Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC share similar structure, they produce almost the same effect in the body. The same test that would record a positive result for Delta-9 THC would record the same for Delta-8.
So, standard drug screening actually checks for the exposure level of
THC-COOH present in the urine sample and depending on the result, it should tell if a person has been using drugs in this case, cannabis or not.
Usually, standard urine tests will detect drug use within a range of 1 to 45 days. For occasional users, you should expect to be clean in 1 – 5 days, light users 1 – 3 weeks and heavy daily user should be free of all metabolites in say 4 – 6 weeks.
Delta-8 THC Gummies and your Drug test
As we have discussed above, Delta-8 THC isn’t so different from Delta-9 THC and as such it will show in a drug screen. There are plenty of complexities surrounding what form of cannabis intake offer a greater bioavailability, but for the sake of this article, we will keep it simple.
Since THC is present in the gummies, it will show up on a drug screen
the same way if Delta-8 was smoked.

A Wrap
There are still a few legal issues surrounding the legality of Delta-8 THC. Recently the substance failed to get legalized because it didn’t meet the requirements for medical cannabis. Because Delta-8 THC can be synthesized from marijuana, the regulatory bodies consider it as having the same effect as Delta-9 THC.
So, that does it for us. Delta-8 is great, offers the same and even an
enhanced performance and benefit for users than Delta-9 without the
risk of psychotropic reactions. It is not legal and would definitely show up on your drug test.